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Conseiller en entreprise  | 360° BSC
360°BSC Conseiller en entreprise

Jean-Pierre Benaiteau 
Business Strategy Consultant

Over the past 20 years, I have been a passionate leader with a sales and operational expertise. I will be able to support you and your team in achieving your goals in a pragmatic and methodic way. 

I can act as a transition manager, a strategic consultant, or by supporting you on your business management monthly.

Contact me



Building a tailor-made strategy for a relevant positioning of your company.

I take time to understand your desires, the specificities of your market, the expectations of your customers and your added value in order to elaborate an offer and a positioning adapted to your objectives.


Developing a comprehensive commercial policy to optimize human and financial resources of your investments.

Sales, marketing and yield management are the three fundamental pillars of a comprehensive commercial policy. I help you to put in place a coordinated action plan on each of these skills for an optimised team work. I provide a complete analysis of the results and a better cost management.


Bringing teams together around a project focused on customer service improvement in order to make everyone’s work meaningful around a common goal.

By enhancing customer service as a key objective, and thanks to agile management, I create the perfect conditions for everyone to grow, to acquire more autonomy and thus to value the collective intelligence within your company.


Supporting digital tools implementation to facilitate company management and productivity increase/growth.


With a very pragmatic approach, and after process audit, I help you find the right digital tools taking into account your needs and your human and financial resources. I help you in setting up the tools that are the most adapted to your company specificities.

Me Atouts


Depending on your issue, the type of mission may be different. Here are the most common, but other type can be adapted to your needs.


Transition management responds to a quick and determined need over time, with highly qualified managerial and operational skills, to deal with specific situations that involve change.


Strategic consulting makes it possible to respond to a specific problem: business plan creation, customer acquisition strategy review, process overview, etc... It is done punctually and in a short time.


Business management support is intended for the business manager of a very small business or  craftsman.  A monthly follow-up helps him in decision-making on all aspects of the company. (commercial, financial, HR, operational, etc.)

360°BSC Aide entreprise en difficulté

My story

From cooking to business strategy...

Gourmet, I started at the age of 14 as an apprentice cook in a Michelin star restaurant.

Curious and attracted by customer service, I worked in service and reception. Then, I spent 3 years in an internationally renowned luxurious hotel, close to Oxford where I perfected my sensitivity to customer services.

Back to France, I became passionate and trained in sales, marketing and yield management until I took over the sales and marketing management of six properties for a franchised group.

In 2021, in order to broaden my field of expertise and be better prepared with our challenging time, I decided to go back to studying and to complete an MBA in business management in a digital world.


In 2022, I create 360°BSV to put my expertise at the service of companies to achieve their goals.


Accueil: Histoire


Jean Pierre is a great professional! He was able to reassure us and stimulate us at the right times. Thanks to his support, we were able to launch our business serenely.

Entrepreneur - Hoko Agency


My collaborations

Hoko Coaching pro

Business creation consultant

les Tourbillons

Commercial strategy consultant


Regional Sales and Marketing Director

Ovo studio

Sales and marketing director

Image de Johann Walter Bantz

Mohamed Ali

Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given rather than to explore the power they have to change it. 

Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. 

Impossible is temporary.

Want to achieve more, contact me!

Needing a strategic coaching, advice on your organisation or a leader to bring your team together, don't hesitate to contact me to look at the best way we can work together.

Thank you for what you sent !

Image de Tyler Franta
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